
Learning and growing for 30 years

The Compost Education Centre turns 30

›› Kayla Siefried

Celebrating 30 years in service is no small deal. And that’s what the ­Compost Education Centre (CEC) is doing in 2022—­celebrating all the composting, gardening, and conservation themed ­education we’ve been providing for 30 years to Fernwood and CRD residents alike!

As we take stock of the past 30 […]

By |February 24th, 2022|Garden Gleanings|0 Comments

Resilience in trying times

›› Kayla Siefried

From heat waves to forest fires to floods, the chaos that has ensued this past year from climate change is stark. What inspiration and lessons can we garner from the seemingly dark and gloomy climate news we see on the regular? How can we become more resilient as humans living through these wild […]

By |December 3rd, 2021|Garden Gleanings|0 Comments

Autumn is for the trees!

›› Kayla Siefried

The fall months mark the time where ­people all over our region are harvesting fruit from trees. If you’ve been longing for a fruit tree of your own, now is the time to plant one (or prepare your soil for a spring planting). Because the soil is still warm, and the rain is […]

By |October 6th, 2021|Garden Gleanings|0 Comments

Want to plant a tree?

›› JJ Ford

“One simple yet powerful way of ­building more sustainable and resilient cities is ­planting trees. Strategically planted trees can cool the air by between 2°C and 8°C, thereby reducing air conditioning needs by 30 per cent. A single tree can absorb up to 150kg of CO2 per year and help ­mitigate climate change… […]

By |October 6th, 2021|Garden Gleanings|0 Comments

Trees of Fernwood: Seqoias

Giant sentinels and the climate crisis

›› Jan Firstbrook

What is the fastest growing tree in the world and the best at carbon capture? These trees live among us in Fernwood. Though not native to Canada, they thrive in our city due to the Mediterranean climate. These amazing trees, Sequoias, are native to California but were planted […]

By |October 6th, 2021|Garden Gleanings|0 Comments

Precious water

›› Kayla Siefried

I’m writing this on a cool summer Victoria morning at the end of July, blue skies, and garden bounty harvested and set out in the Compost Education Centre’s Farm Stand. I start up the internet, and one of the tabs I have open from yesterday startles me, it maps the fires and smoke […]

By |August 9th, 2021|Garden Gleanings|0 Comments

Amend your soil

The Spring Equinox has passed and things are truly waking up in the garden. April showers do in fact promise May flowers!

›› Kayla Siefried

What to do in the garden this month? Amend your soil, direct seed some ­vegetable seeds, and prepare a bed to ­transplant seedlings into. This year, the Compost Education Centre has ya […]

By |April 1st, 2021|Garden Gleanings|0 Comments