
Give your feedback for the proposed neighbourhood plan

>> Jan Firstbrook

Significant changes are coming to Fernwood and we have a say in how we would like our neighbourhood to be developed in the next 30 years. The Draft Neighbourhood Plan and the Missing Middle Housing Initiative are being proposed by city council. These plans impact all aspects of our neighbourhood—our parks, green leafy […]

By |June 9th, 2022|Trees of Fernwood|0 Comments

Trees are nature’s air conditioners

›› Jan Firstbrook

Our city’s mature trees will play an important role as the climate changes and it becomes hotter and drier. In the City of Victoria’s Community Climate Risk and Vulnerability Summary Report, the highest risk is hotter, drier summers which lead to increased drought and more frequent heat events leading to health impacts on […]

By |April 12th, 2022|Trees of Fernwood|0 Comments

Trees of Fernwood: The magic of cherry blossom season

›› Jan Firstbrook

We know that spring is coming when ­flowering plum and cherry trees start ­blossoming in February and continue until May in successive waves. The flowering plum trees blossom first and their small sour plums are eaten by birds and can even be made into plum sauce. Whereas, ­flowering ornamental cherry trees have large, […]

By |February 24th, 2022|Trees of Fernwood|0 Comments

Garry oaks

Gnarly branches and thousands of acorns

›› Jan Firstbrook

Have you noticed the Garry oaks (Quercus garryana) in Fernwood? This area used to be a Garry oak meadow that was ­managed and cultivated by the Lekwungen Peoples since time immemorial. They burned the meadows to increase the number of camas bulbs and discourage Douglas fir trees and […]

By |December 3rd, 2021|Trees of Fernwood|0 Comments