Take a tour of the Fernwood Mural Festival murals

Fernwood NRG and FernFest brought you the very first Fernwood Mural ­Festival. In June 2021, local artists created over 10 new large-scale murals throughout Fernwood, North Park, Oaklands, and South ­Jubilee. We believe public art creates a tangible sense of place and identity while adding life and character to public space and ­creating a visual legacy. Murals bring artistic richness to our streets.

You are invited to explore our streets on foot or by bike and take our self-guided tour of murals. Find a map of the murals here. To see interviews with and learn about each of the artists here.

More info about the festival:

Virtual Auction


Fernwood Mural Festival 2021 artists: Nicole Neidhardt, Caitlin McDonagh, Leya Tess, Collin Elder, Beth Threlfall, Kay Gallivan, Lydia Beauregard, Iris L Moore, Ian George, Shane Appleton, Expel, Emily Thiessen, City Artworks, Pandora Arts Collective, and more!

Thank you for the support of our partners South Jubilee ­Neighbourhood Association and North Park Neighbourhood Association. Thank you to our funders and sponsors: City of Victoria, Brother Sea Productions, Samms Painting, Sunbelt Rentals, Castle Building Centres, Garside Signs & Displays, Opus Art Supplies, and all our silent auction donors. We acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia. A huge thank you to our amazing volunteers—this event wouldn’t be possible without you!

Share your photos of the murals with the hashtag #FernwoodMuralFest!