About the mural: Enveloping the exterior walls of Tiny Homes Village, Interbeeing is a collaborative project between three local artists – Kay Gallivan, Lydia Beauregard and Caitlin McDonagh. All three artists have contributed to placemaking throughout the city, with Lydia and Caitlin both contributing murals to the Concrete Canvas festival in Rock Bay. Kay Gallivan also worked on the ‘Story Line Collaborative’ mural as a part of Luke Ramsay’s Artist in Residence with the City.
Emphasizing that having a home is an integral part of being alive, the art encourages us to consider our homes as a part of a larger community. A visual story illustrates how different beings find and think about their homes, travelling from beehives to birds nests and even finding a cozy place amid some trees. This surreal composition is created by layering blocked colours with linework.
The colour palette was devised with the intention of warming up and brightening the original colour of the containers. Coral and golden hues bring out the warmth in the colour, white provides a nice highlight, and muted seafoam and periwinkle rounds it all out.
The mural adds vibrancy to the North Park neighbourhood while creating a sense of pride and warmth for the residents who are calling this tiny home community their own.
For more info about the project, visit aryze.ca/tinyhomes
Artists: @kaygallivan | @thisillustratedlife | @caitlinmcdonagh
A project of Aryze Developments | @aryzedevelopments