›› Lauren Gaultier
Meet your local Fernwood granola maker, Jessica, of Signing Bowl Granola (SBG). I found out she was a local after I started ordering her zero-waste bucket and couldn’t help but be impressed by delivery sometimes within hours. I caught up with Jessica to learn more about her company and community involvement.
What sets your products apart from others we may find on the shelves?
I like to refer to SBG as “Granola 4 Social Justice”. It provides me with the opportunity and resources to support my community with funds and food. On top of that, our small batch granola is handmade with super clean ingredients and is not overly sweet like most commercial granolas.
For someone who has never tried your products before, where should they start?
Unless you have a nut allergy, everyone should try the NO GRAIN. I rolled this one out a few years ago after hearing ongoing requests to make a grain-free granola. My only regret is that I didn’t roll it out sooner. It’s been massively successful.
Do you have any advice for our readers who would like to create a consumable product?
Do your research to make sure you’re following rules and regulations. Watch what others are doing. Talk to other food processors. Have fun! Life is short and there’s no time to put things off until a ‘better’ time. You may or may not make money, but if you can pay your bills and have a roof over your head, profit doesn’t need to be the main goal.
You are active in giving back, why is this important to you and SBG?
We are all connected, so if some people are struggling, we are all struggling. I have always believed that those of us who have the wherewithal to help those in need have the responsibility to do so. It has been amazing working with people at the Blue Heron Advisory Group who sponsor the SBG Porridge Project, the people at the Rainbow Kitchen, and all my conscious customers who work with me to ensure that we are redistributing the wealth a bit. Every time you buy SBG you are supporting one of these causes.
Any last comments for our readers?
I couldn’t have done any of the things I do without the support of my community. You are creating employment for my amazing team. If you are buying your granola by the bucket, you are an important part of our zero-waste initiative. Basically, SBG is all of us together enjoying good food and supporting our community.
To learn about products, where to buy, and how to get involved, visit singingbowlgranola.com or @singingbowlgranola.