Have you ever been to one of those quiz nights where every question seems like a foreign language? You wonder if it’s just you. Did you miss something at school? Was there are class that everyone attended that you were not privy too? Are you broken? Insane? Stupid…

As the depressing and humbling feeling of self-doubt creeps over you like the evening frost you say to yourself, “I’m not doing that again.”

Well guess what? It simply turns out that most quiz nights are designed to be upsetting and bleak. It’s a control thing. Keep the normal people down so the egg heads can shine. Well I say, “Bollocks to that.”

Join me for a genuinely amiable and fun night of trivia and puzzle solving at the Fernwood Inn every month. I write the quiz to encourage discussion, debate, and logical thinking. Every question allows for a decent guess and the application of silliness and lunacy keeps the egg heads at bay.

This isn’t your regular quiz night, this is THE PUB QUIZ! Bring a team and play to win a super prize and help promote community and neighbourhood spirit.

Where: Fernwood Inn
When: First & last Tuesday of every month, 8pm
Why: Because quizzes can be fun!
How much: $5


The quiz is written and presented by Benji Duke of ‘The Friday Quiz’.