8th Annual Fernwood Pole Painting Project

Paint Kit Pick-up #1 – Wednesday, August 29, 2018, 2-6pm – Fernwood Community Centre

Paint Kit Pick-up #2 – Friday, September 7, 2018, 2-6pm, Fernwood Square

Pole Painting Day – Saturday, September 8, 2018 – all day, throughout Fernwood

Share photos of your artwork with us at @fernwoodnrg on Instagram, Facebook & Twitter  –  #polepaintingproject

Would you like to paint a pole in Fernwood?

Here’s how to get involved:

Pole Painting Kit

  1. Pick-up a Pole Painting Kit. These will be available on ­August 29th & September 7th (see above).
  2. Design your pole! Simple and bold graphics are great & stencils help, too. Draw out your ideas.
  3. Check with your neighbours before painting a pole, (letter for neighbours included in your Pole Painting Kit).
  4. Clean your pole using a thick pair of gloves and needle nose pliers, carefully remove staples and other things that might interfere with your art!
  5. Set-Up your site: Before painting, place newspaper, a drop cloth or cardboard on the sidewalk to ensure no paint gets on the sidewalk.
  6. Prime the pole. We recommend ­priming your pole with the base coat paint on Friday, September 7. This will allow time for the pole to dry before you paint your design.
  7. Paint! You are invited to paint your telephone pole on Saturday, September 8, 2018. Did you know all the paint used in this project has been salvaged from Hartland Landfill? If it is raining, please wait for a sunny day to paint your pole.
  8. Clean up. Make sure you clean up all your supplies and keep or dispose of them responsibly. Post your wet paint sign on your finished pole
  9. Admire your work and show your friends.


Want more information? Learn how to paint-a-pole here…