›› Mila Czemerys

Fernwood NRG is thrilled to be hosting our annual fundraiser The Gift of Good Food. We’ve partnered up with community centres across the capital region and are aiming to raise $100,000! This amount of funds would support 200 families with much needed fresh produce. Every $500 raised will support a family in need with a Good Food Box every two weeks for a year!

Many of us take for granted the fact that we can afford to go out and buy the ­groceries we need for the week—buying groceries is just another errand to check off the list. For many families in Victoria, it’s hard to afford fresh fruits and vegetables. We believe that every family deserves access to fresh healthy food—especially children!

A mom who is receiving the Gift of Good Food currently shared, “This program has been a lifesaver. I absolutely feel that it has saved our family numerous times.”

The Gift of Good Food fundraiser begins on Monday, November 18th and runs until December 31st at midnight. Our campaign HQ is at thegiftofgoodfood.­ca/donate.

If you want to get involved and help out, there are lots of opportunities…

We are currently recruiting fundraising teams. You can start a fundraising team with friends and family. Sign-up to start a fundraising team here. We’re looking for volunteers to help out with the campaign, email melissa@fernwoodnrg.ca to join in.

Do you own a business? You can donate an auction item, add $2 at the till, host a ­donation jar, put up a poster, or give out handbills. Get in touch—every little thing helps!

On Thursday, November 21st, ­Northern Quarter is hosting the Gift of Good Food Quiz with all proceeds going to the cause. Produce themed team names are highly ­recommended! Come down with three of your best pals to 1724 Douglas Street for a night of quizzing and good fun with Benji Duke (our long time FernFest host with the most).

Visit the Gift of Good Food table at the Owl Designer Fair on November 22nd and 23rd or Oaklands West Coast ­Winter ­Market on November 30th. We’ll be ­collecting donations and selling our ­canvas tote bags and cards. These are great gifts for the holidays.

Keep your eyes on Instagram.com/fernwoodnrg for updates on the ­campaign—like and share our posts to help spread the word.

As a community, let’s come together to ensure we all have access to healthy food—one of the basic necessities of life.